Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Virginia couple who slipped through White House security and shook hands with President Obama will do the Fifth Amendment, which protects against self-incrimination, if subpoenaed to testify to Congress.The couple has been called "perpetrators" even. The couple is accused of crashing state dinner on November 24. House committee is to vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena the Salahis.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Palin's Up, Obama's Down

Sarah Palin has erased her drop in the polls that followed her resignation as Alaska governor, so says the CNN polls. After she resigned her approval rate dropped to 39%. Americans are split on Palin, with 46% saying they have a favorable opinion of her and an equal amount saying they have an unfavorable view. There is a gender gap too, instead of women liking her, men do; 51% percent of men see her in a positive light, with an nearly equal amount of women view Palin in a negative way. McCain brought her in to appeal to the women voters, not the men in the first place. Hmmm...Maybe that newsweek magazine showing her in shorts helped her out with her male voters.

Another poll finds that Obama is down to 48% approval rate. The drop is mostly from the noncollege white voters. Six out of ten people favor Obama's plan for Afghanistan. But the approval rates for Regan and Clinton also dropped to below 50% in their first year.


Read this 4000 page bill!--No problem

The senate and health care bill adds up to 4100 pages. How will anyone read that without blowing their brains out? If you read 1 page per second it would take you an hour and eight minutes. Here are some ways to read a bill thats looooong.
1. Read a summary of the whole thing, or a section by section summary to get through all the legal language.
2. Print the table of contents, so it is easier to refrence back to each part, because bills usually do.
3. Read the bill in a pdf-like format so you can search through it and find exactly what you are looking for.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Battle for 2012 Presidencey?

A group created a website called 'Draft Dick Cheney 2012' to try to motivate Cheney into running for president in 2012. He says he doesn't want to run and thinks that Palin can run if she wants to and that she is "charming and engaging". He already did his thing and loved it, but he doesn't have any aspirations of being in the white house again.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Box Office Hit? Probably Not.

Filmmaker Jeff Reichert is writer and director of an upcoming documentary about redistricting--it is called Gerrymandering, how exciting. His reasoning for making a movie about something most of the population doesn't care about/thinks its a nuisance is that 'its just that important'. There isn't a definate release date for the movie yet. Part of the film’s mission is educational with its centerpiece an animation he calls Gerrymandering 101 that explains the process.
Movie Website