Thursday, November 12, 2009

Clinton's Two Cents

Clinton voices his opinion that the new Health Care bill must be passed because it is "an economic imperative". His points are that the U.S can't handle the costs of the pricey insurance and the cost of 50million uninsured. He says that there is no perfect bill, we just have to act and get the ball rolling.

Clinton, and others, want the bill to be passed as quickly as possible, but Senator Durbin (No. 2 Democrat) says it just isn't possible to go quickly because of all of the controversy. Abortion rears its giant, controversial, head in the bill; saying it will be federal funded. This caused a rift in the Democratic party as well.

If this bill wants even a chance at being passed it will have to take out the federally funded abortions section because of the rifts and disapproval it is causing.

I believe that the bills that are being edited need to have abortions being federally funded. It would support the idea that woman have a right to chose and should not be told that it is wrong. Not everyone has the ideals, like Liz Searcy said, of Christians. Mine views are a bit more radical. Abortions are apart of people's health and should be in the Health Care Bill, not dropped because the Bill wants to pass quickly.
Clinton says we need to get the ball rolling, but shouldn't the bill be accurate to get more U.S wide acceptance, republic or democrat? I don't think a flawed bill will help the country, even if it just act and just get the ball rolling.

Liz's Blog

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